
Jamu (Traditonal Herbal Medicine) - From Indonesia



'Back to nature' is not merely a slogan in Java and Indonesia. The visible proof is the use of traditional herbal medicine of various type of 'medical plants', either from the leaves, the fruits, the roots, the flowers or the barks, etc.

These herbal medicine had been used since the ancient time up to now, it is largely consumed by people of different level; lower, middle and upper, in the villages and in the big cities.

The study of jamu had been conducted by Rumphius, a botanist as early as the year 1775 AD by publishing a book 'Herbaria Amboinesis'. A scientific research for jamu by the research center of herbal medicine in Bogor Botanical Garden, resulting a publication of a book 'Medical Book for Children and Adults', composed by E. Van Bent.

The first seminar about jamu has been held in Solo in 1940, followed by a Formation of Indonesia's Jamu Committee in 1944. In the 1966, a seminar on jamu was held again. In 1981, a book by title of 'The use of Medical Plants' was established to support the jamu industry in the country.

The method of using the jamu remains the same as the ancestors did. Some are consumed by drinking it and some are for outside application.

At present one could buy easily ready made jamu packed modernly in the form of powder, pills, capsules, drinking liquid and ointments. Of course there are still jamu shops, which sell only ingredients or prepare the jamu on spot as required by buyers. Some women are roaming the street to sell jamu, is a common view across the country.

The traditional methods of making jamu such as by boiling the prepared herbal ingredients (jamu godok) still prevail in Javanese society. The popular traditional tools of making jamu are still available in many Javanese houses such as; Lumpang (small iron Mortar), pipisan, parut (grater), kuali (clay pot), etc.

What kind of disease could jamu cure?
The reply is almost every disease, jamu could cure. There are various kinds of jamu to combat different kind of illness. In Principle there are two types of jamu; the first is jamu to maintain physical fitness and health, the locally popular are Galian Singset (to keep women body fit and slim) and Sehat Lelaki (to keep men body healthy). The second is jamu to cure various kinds of illness. Except the above, there are special jamu created with the purpose to maintain a loving family harmony. The popular products among other are Sari Rapet, which makes a women sexual organ in a good condition, as for the man the matched product is jamu Kuat Lekaki (strong man). The Javanese are also taking a great care to pregnant women during pre and postnatal period by producing the related jamu. There are also jamu for the babies.

The Herbs for Jamu
There are hundreds of herbs for jamu prescriptions, among other are:

Ginger (Zingiber Officinale)
Lempuyang (Zingiber Oronaticum)
Temu Lawak/ Wild Ginger (Curcuma Cautkeridza)
Kunyit/ Tumeric (Curcuma Domestica)
Kencur/ Greater Galingale (Kaemferi Galanga)
Lengkuas/ Ginger Plant (Elpina Galanga)
Bengle (Zingiber Bevifalium)

Secang (Caesalpinia Sappan Hinn)
Sambang Dara (Rexco Ecaria Bicolar Hassk)
Brotowali (Tiospora Rumpii Boerl)
Adas (Foeniculum Vulgare Mill)

Jeruk Nipis/ Calamondin (Citrae Aurantifalia Sivingle)
Ceplukan (Physalic Angulata Him)
Nyamplung (Calophylum Inaphyllu)

Kayu Manis/ Cinamon (Gijeyzahyza Glabra)

Melati/ Yasmin (Jataninum Sunbac Ait)
Rumput Alang-alang (Gramineae)

It is worth to note that some jamu factories in Java are exporting its products. Besides the export of ready made jamu, 25 kinds of herbal plants and ingredients are also in the list of export to Europe, Australia, USA, Japan, etc.

No Side Effects
The people like to consume jamu due to :

  • Availability in many places
  • Comparatively cheap price
  • No side effects


The Natural Beauty of Woman
A Javanese woman is very much concern for her physical appearance to be always slim, beautiful with an alluring bright smiling face.

As a Javanese idiom says "Ngadi Sarira" to maintain the body to be always in perfect condition is of prime important. The way of life of a Javanese is greatly influenced by the royal culture. Not surprisingly that the art of "Keeping Beauty' is originated from the court palaces.

The Secret of a Princess Beauty
The Ladies of the Royal Families have a reputation to inherit the beauty of goddesses from paradise.

As told in the story of wayang (leather puppet) by the dalang (puppet master) , all parts of a princess body is always perfect and alluring: the beautiful black thick hair, a smooth skin, bright eyes, charming eye brows, eye lids and nose, bright reddish lips, white nicely teeth, wonderful built neck and shoulder, beautiful hands and arms, a waist like the one of a bee meanings slim and perfectly built.

The dalang with a clear deep voice, like in the poem reading adores the beauty of a princess with a thousands of words. It seems that all words of a complete dictionary are not enough to express of what a wonderful beauty a princess has.

The use of Traditional Jamu and Cosmetics
Nowadays, some secrets of this Karaton (Palaces) culture of "Ngadi Sarira" are known by many women from outside the Karaton walls. The Jamu is widely used to give an inner beauty, due to a good physical health.

Some of the products are consumed directly by eating it, for instance Kepel Fruit (a brown fruit of a chicken egg size), it's a natural deodorant. By eating it that would fragrant the odor of the body even the urine smells the fragrance of that fruit.

Jambu Mawar ( a kind of rose apple, mawar means a flower of rose) gives a fresh smell of breath. Some cosmetics are for outside application such as bedak dingin (cool powder) and lulur (scrubbing powder).

Beauty Care
Every woman is always proud of her hair � thick and shining, color and style. For natural shampooing, the ash of rice stalks work as a shampoo to clean the hair. After being washed by water, ingredients consist of
coconut milk, jeruk purut (a kind of citrus fruit smells like a lime ) and pandanus leaves are to be applied. It functions as a conditioner to clean the dandruff. The hair then washed by water again, to be dried while vaporizing with ratus fragrance.

Finally, a hair oil by the name of cemceman, made of coconut oil with pandanus , kenanga flower, jeruk purut etc. is applied.

Skin Care
For face caring, bedak dingin (cool powder) is applied. It's made from tendered rice with special ingredients, such as pandanus, kenanga flower etc.

For other parts of the body, lulur is applied, popularly known as mandi lulur (lulur bathing).

Lulur is also made from tendered rice, pandanus, some leaves of kemuning (with yellow color) and some medicinal roots. The lulur should stimulate the body to throw out the dead cells, replace it with new ones, stimulate blood circulation under the skin, smooth the skin and at the same time scents it.

Steaming the body
Steams of several boiled herbs are applied to ensure body freshness, including the woman organ. The steaming took about a � hour.

Besides the traditional cosmetics made by hand, in the country there are some big and well known manufactures of cosmetics, using modern machinery. These products are used widely across the country, even this cosmetics have been exported to many countries of the world.

(Suryo S. Negoro)

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Accupuncture as an alternative medicine

A quick look out of many office windows reveals a world of fast-moving cars, bustling people, and a steady stream of chaos. There are people dashing to and fro, up in the morning to rush off to work, and then rushing home in the evening. The stresses from everyday life begin to pile up. Before long fatigue sets in, muscles ache, and a general sense of malaise occurs. The body's immune system begins to suffer from the lack of rest and the build-up of stress.

Today's lifestyle is fast-paced and pressures to perform are intense. Just one look out your window at rushing cars and people hurrying to and fro gives you a good idea of the stress-filled world we live in. Tensions start to pile up with each new day and by the time evening rolls around, individuals are feeling exhausted, with sore aching muscles and a general feeling of not being able to relax. There are ways to combat this sense of general malaise, and less invasive ones than taking prescription medication to deal with daily life.

Have you ever taken a look outside your window and noticed the busy, rushed world we all live in today? Cars stream by, people hurry to offices where tensions pile up, and then those same individuals rush back home to a second shift of getting supper to the table and taking care of children. There's very little that's relaxing about our lives, and sore, aching muscles or a feeling of exhaustion are common complaints. The immune system suffers from a pressurized world where there's no time to rest.

As the immune system begins to become taxed, more germs and sickness are allowed in, thus complicating things further. Colds, backaches, migraines, flu-like symptoms, and feeling tired make each day worse than the one before. A person cannot always call in sick to work and take a day off to rest. Perhaps they cannot take cold medicine or other prescribed medications because it interferes with their ability to function during the day. Who wants to feel like a walking zombie? No one should be forced to go around feeling like their head is stuck inside a bucket from all of the side effects from various medications.

There are a lot of side effects from over-the-counter and prescription medication intended to help us feel better when our immune systems become overloaded. Cold medicines can leave people drowsy and slow, hurting production and making them want to return to bed, and yet many people can't afford to take the days off work. Some other medications, such as anti-depressants, make people feel as if their senses are numbed. No one should feel as if they have to live with the side effects of pills and drugs, when there is a better alternative.

The immune system takes a hit when we start to feel stressed and overloaded. Colds and sicknesses can set in easily, reducing production at work. Many people can't afford time off to rest and recuperate, but over-the-counter and prescription medications have many side effects that leave individuals feeling drowsy and slow. There is an alternative to taking pills that has minimal side effects (and mostly none at all) that can leave people feeling better than they did before, with energy flowing and the ability to face the world.

Wouldn't it be good to feel better, have more energy, get rid of those muscle aches and pains, and even have migraines ease up or go away completely? Is it worth a shot? What if this alternative came with very little risk of side effect? It sounds pretty appealing, and it might be surprising to learn that this procedure is acupuncture.

Acupuncture might seem like the current rage in alternative medicine, but it has been around for thousands of years. Acupuncture's roots can be traced back to the Taoist tradition. Practitioners of acupuncture, before it was called so, would meditate on how man and the world's energy merged with each other. The flow of nature was within the human body and governed by a life force or energy called Qi (pronounced chee). Within the body, as in nature, there were lines that energy ran down. These lines are called meridians, and there are fourteen meridians within the human body. From these fourteen meridians, there are thousands of points that allow the blocked energy (from bodily injury, stress, or a poorly cared-for self) to be corrected.

The acupuncturist, after an initial physical and questioning the patient about his or her past medical history, will locate the damaged or blocked area and begin work. Thin, solid needles are inserted into the skin. It is virtually painless. The needles are then manipulated by the hand or electrical stimulation. The acupuncturist then leaves the patient to rest and relax before coming back in to remove the needles.

While acupuncture is a great alternative to traditional medicine, it should not be expected to be an instant miracle cure. Some patients do report a noticeable difference within one visit, but more often, it takes many visits to see great improvement. Another great bonus is that more and more insurance plans are covering CAM, or Complimentary Alternative Medicine, thus allowing individuals the opportunity to try something different. With little side effect, acupuncture is certainly worth trying. Just think - no more medicine head and no worrying about falling asleep at work from the effects of cold medicine or drugs. It is definitely worth a shot.

Acupuncture isn't a miracle cure and more than one visit is usually required to see large improvement on how we feel. However, it's a good alternative to prescription medication that can leave individuals feeling fuzzy or zombie-like. In fact, more and more insurance plans are covering the costs of acupuncture, realizing that the alternative medicine has great value in helping people. There are little side effects and risks, and it's certainly worth a try as opposed to filling oneself up with medication and drugs.

More and more insurance plans are covering the costs of acupuncture, which shows that the alternative medicine has something of value and is becoming recognized. Also, the fact that costs are covered by insurances allows people to try acupuncture and see how well it works for them. The side effects are minimal and risks are low, and the technique means we don't have to pump our bodies full of prescription medication that can leave us feeling not ourselves.