
Jamu (Traditonal Herbal Medicine) - From Indonesia



'Back to nature' is not merely a slogan in Java and Indonesia. The visible proof is the use of traditional herbal medicine of various type of 'medical plants', either from the leaves, the fruits, the roots, the flowers or the barks, etc.

These herbal medicine had been used since the ancient time up to now, it is largely consumed by people of different level; lower, middle and upper, in the villages and in the big cities.

The study of jamu had been conducted by Rumphius, a botanist as early as the year 1775 AD by publishing a book 'Herbaria Amboinesis'. A scientific research for jamu by the research center of herbal medicine in Bogor Botanical Garden, resulting a publication of a book 'Medical Book for Children and Adults', composed by E. Van Bent.

The first seminar about jamu has been held in Solo in 1940, followed by a Formation of Indonesia's Jamu Committee in 1944. In the 1966, a seminar on jamu was held again. In 1981, a book by title of 'The use of Medical Plants' was established to support the jamu industry in the country.

The method of using the jamu remains the same as the ancestors did. Some are consumed by drinking it and some are for outside application.

At present one could buy easily ready made jamu packed modernly in the form of powder, pills, capsules, drinking liquid and ointments. Of course there are still jamu shops, which sell only ingredients or prepare the jamu on spot as required by buyers. Some women are roaming the street to sell jamu, is a common view across the country.

The traditional methods of making jamu such as by boiling the prepared herbal ingredients (jamu godok) still prevail in Javanese society. The popular traditional tools of making jamu are still available in many Javanese houses such as; Lumpang (small iron Mortar), pipisan, parut (grater), kuali (clay pot), etc.

What kind of disease could jamu cure?
The reply is almost every disease, jamu could cure. There are various kinds of jamu to combat different kind of illness. In Principle there are two types of jamu; the first is jamu to maintain physical fitness and health, the locally popular are Galian Singset (to keep women body fit and slim) and Sehat Lelaki (to keep men body healthy). The second is jamu to cure various kinds of illness. Except the above, there are special jamu created with the purpose to maintain a loving family harmony. The popular products among other are Sari Rapet, which makes a women sexual organ in a good condition, as for the man the matched product is jamu Kuat Lekaki (strong man). The Javanese are also taking a great care to pregnant women during pre and postnatal period by producing the related jamu. There are also jamu for the babies.

The Herbs for Jamu
There are hundreds of herbs for jamu prescriptions, among other are:

Ginger (Zingiber Officinale)
Lempuyang (Zingiber Oronaticum)
Temu Lawak/ Wild Ginger (Curcuma Cautkeridza)
Kunyit/ Tumeric (Curcuma Domestica)
Kencur/ Greater Galingale (Kaemferi Galanga)
Lengkuas/ Ginger Plant (Elpina Galanga)
Bengle (Zingiber Bevifalium)

Secang (Caesalpinia Sappan Hinn)
Sambang Dara (Rexco Ecaria Bicolar Hassk)
Brotowali (Tiospora Rumpii Boerl)
Adas (Foeniculum Vulgare Mill)

Jeruk Nipis/ Calamondin (Citrae Aurantifalia Sivingle)
Ceplukan (Physalic Angulata Him)
Nyamplung (Calophylum Inaphyllu)

Kayu Manis/ Cinamon (Gijeyzahyza Glabra)

Melati/ Yasmin (Jataninum Sunbac Ait)
Rumput Alang-alang (Gramineae)

It is worth to note that some jamu factories in Java are exporting its products. Besides the export of ready made jamu, 25 kinds of herbal plants and ingredients are also in the list of export to Europe, Australia, USA, Japan, etc.

No Side Effects
The people like to consume jamu due to :

  • Availability in many places
  • Comparatively cheap price
  • No side effects


The Natural Beauty of Woman
A Javanese woman is very much concern for her physical appearance to be always slim, beautiful with an alluring bright smiling face.

As a Javanese idiom says "Ngadi Sarira" to maintain the body to be always in perfect condition is of prime important. The way of life of a Javanese is greatly influenced by the royal culture. Not surprisingly that the art of "Keeping Beauty' is originated from the court palaces.

The Secret of a Princess Beauty
The Ladies of the Royal Families have a reputation to inherit the beauty of goddesses from paradise.

As told in the story of wayang (leather puppet) by the dalang (puppet master) , all parts of a princess body is always perfect and alluring: the beautiful black thick hair, a smooth skin, bright eyes, charming eye brows, eye lids and nose, bright reddish lips, white nicely teeth, wonderful built neck and shoulder, beautiful hands and arms, a waist like the one of a bee meanings slim and perfectly built.

The dalang with a clear deep voice, like in the poem reading adores the beauty of a princess with a thousands of words. It seems that all words of a complete dictionary are not enough to express of what a wonderful beauty a princess has.

The use of Traditional Jamu and Cosmetics
Nowadays, some secrets of this Karaton (Palaces) culture of "Ngadi Sarira" are known by many women from outside the Karaton walls. The Jamu is widely used to give an inner beauty, due to a good physical health.

Some of the products are consumed directly by eating it, for instance Kepel Fruit (a brown fruit of a chicken egg size), it's a natural deodorant. By eating it that would fragrant the odor of the body even the urine smells the fragrance of that fruit.

Jambu Mawar ( a kind of rose apple, mawar means a flower of rose) gives a fresh smell of breath. Some cosmetics are for outside application such as bedak dingin (cool powder) and lulur (scrubbing powder).

Beauty Care
Every woman is always proud of her hair � thick and shining, color and style. For natural shampooing, the ash of rice stalks work as a shampoo to clean the hair. After being washed by water, ingredients consist of
coconut milk, jeruk purut (a kind of citrus fruit smells like a lime ) and pandanus leaves are to be applied. It functions as a conditioner to clean the dandruff. The hair then washed by water again, to be dried while vaporizing with ratus fragrance.

Finally, a hair oil by the name of cemceman, made of coconut oil with pandanus , kenanga flower, jeruk purut etc. is applied.

Skin Care
For face caring, bedak dingin (cool powder) is applied. It's made from tendered rice with special ingredients, such as pandanus, kenanga flower etc.

For other parts of the body, lulur is applied, popularly known as mandi lulur (lulur bathing).

Lulur is also made from tendered rice, pandanus, some leaves of kemuning (with yellow color) and some medicinal roots. The lulur should stimulate the body to throw out the dead cells, replace it with new ones, stimulate blood circulation under the skin, smooth the skin and at the same time scents it.

Steaming the body
Steams of several boiled herbs are applied to ensure body freshness, including the woman organ. The steaming took about a � hour.

Besides the traditional cosmetics made by hand, in the country there are some big and well known manufactures of cosmetics, using modern machinery. These products are used widely across the country, even this cosmetics have been exported to many countries of the world.

(Suryo S. Negoro)

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Accupuncture as an alternative medicine

A quick look out of many office windows reveals a world of fast-moving cars, bustling people, and a steady stream of chaos. There are people dashing to and fro, up in the morning to rush off to work, and then rushing home in the evening. The stresses from everyday life begin to pile up. Before long fatigue sets in, muscles ache, and a general sense of malaise occurs. The body's immune system begins to suffer from the lack of rest and the build-up of stress.

Today's lifestyle is fast-paced and pressures to perform are intense. Just one look out your window at rushing cars and people hurrying to and fro gives you a good idea of the stress-filled world we live in. Tensions start to pile up with each new day and by the time evening rolls around, individuals are feeling exhausted, with sore aching muscles and a general feeling of not being able to relax. There are ways to combat this sense of general malaise, and less invasive ones than taking prescription medication to deal with daily life.

Have you ever taken a look outside your window and noticed the busy, rushed world we all live in today? Cars stream by, people hurry to offices where tensions pile up, and then those same individuals rush back home to a second shift of getting supper to the table and taking care of children. There's very little that's relaxing about our lives, and sore, aching muscles or a feeling of exhaustion are common complaints. The immune system suffers from a pressurized world where there's no time to rest.

As the immune system begins to become taxed, more germs and sickness are allowed in, thus complicating things further. Colds, backaches, migraines, flu-like symptoms, and feeling tired make each day worse than the one before. A person cannot always call in sick to work and take a day off to rest. Perhaps they cannot take cold medicine or other prescribed medications because it interferes with their ability to function during the day. Who wants to feel like a walking zombie? No one should be forced to go around feeling like their head is stuck inside a bucket from all of the side effects from various medications.

There are a lot of side effects from over-the-counter and prescription medication intended to help us feel better when our immune systems become overloaded. Cold medicines can leave people drowsy and slow, hurting production and making them want to return to bed, and yet many people can't afford to take the days off work. Some other medications, such as anti-depressants, make people feel as if their senses are numbed. No one should feel as if they have to live with the side effects of pills and drugs, when there is a better alternative.

The immune system takes a hit when we start to feel stressed and overloaded. Colds and sicknesses can set in easily, reducing production at work. Many people can't afford time off to rest and recuperate, but over-the-counter and prescription medications have many side effects that leave individuals feeling drowsy and slow. There is an alternative to taking pills that has minimal side effects (and mostly none at all) that can leave people feeling better than they did before, with energy flowing and the ability to face the world.

Wouldn't it be good to feel better, have more energy, get rid of those muscle aches and pains, and even have migraines ease up or go away completely? Is it worth a shot? What if this alternative came with very little risk of side effect? It sounds pretty appealing, and it might be surprising to learn that this procedure is acupuncture.

Acupuncture might seem like the current rage in alternative medicine, but it has been around for thousands of years. Acupuncture's roots can be traced back to the Taoist tradition. Practitioners of acupuncture, before it was called so, would meditate on how man and the world's energy merged with each other. The flow of nature was within the human body and governed by a life force or energy called Qi (pronounced chee). Within the body, as in nature, there were lines that energy ran down. These lines are called meridians, and there are fourteen meridians within the human body. From these fourteen meridians, there are thousands of points that allow the blocked energy (from bodily injury, stress, or a poorly cared-for self) to be corrected.

The acupuncturist, after an initial physical and questioning the patient about his or her past medical history, will locate the damaged or blocked area and begin work. Thin, solid needles are inserted into the skin. It is virtually painless. The needles are then manipulated by the hand or electrical stimulation. The acupuncturist then leaves the patient to rest and relax before coming back in to remove the needles.

While acupuncture is a great alternative to traditional medicine, it should not be expected to be an instant miracle cure. Some patients do report a noticeable difference within one visit, but more often, it takes many visits to see great improvement. Another great bonus is that more and more insurance plans are covering CAM, or Complimentary Alternative Medicine, thus allowing individuals the opportunity to try something different. With little side effect, acupuncture is certainly worth trying. Just think - no more medicine head and no worrying about falling asleep at work from the effects of cold medicine or drugs. It is definitely worth a shot.

Acupuncture isn't a miracle cure and more than one visit is usually required to see large improvement on how we feel. However, it's a good alternative to prescription medication that can leave individuals feeling fuzzy or zombie-like. In fact, more and more insurance plans are covering the costs of acupuncture, realizing that the alternative medicine has great value in helping people. There are little side effects and risks, and it's certainly worth a try as opposed to filling oneself up with medication and drugs.

More and more insurance plans are covering the costs of acupuncture, which shows that the alternative medicine has something of value and is becoming recognized. Also, the fact that costs are covered by insurances allows people to try acupuncture and see how well it works for them. The side effects are minimal and risks are low, and the technique means we don't have to pump our bodies full of prescription medication that can leave us feeling not ourselves.


Help Prevent Wrinkles Through Diet

How many times has your mother told you, you are what you eat? As you probably know, Mom knows best. So it’s no surprise that what we feed our bodies does affect what the final product is. For healthier, younger skin it’s no different. But what should we eat in order to have the radiant skin we all covet? Here is a list of simple things we can all incorporate into our diet to help fend off wrinkles.

Fish Meat. Salmon especially. Fish meat is stock full of protein. Consuming more good protein like fish meat will give cells the fuel they need to repair themselves.

Dark-green, leafy vegetables. Another thing you’ve most likely heard from Mom: eat your vegetables. Again, she’s right. Foods such as romaine lettuce or kale will help prevent your skin from ageing. Rich in iron and vitamin A, these vegetable will assist in healing damaged skin.

Nuts. Nuts are a valuable source of iron and zinc, and are an easy add on to most desserts and dishes. Almonds are replete with zinc which also will boost skin restoration.

Berries. The most fun food for last. Berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries – yummy!) have hundreds of different recipes for dessert time. A healthy-skin diet doesn’t have to be a boring one. Berries are rich in strong antioxidants which will aid skin defense.

Just remember these easy things the next time you’re strolling through the grocery aisles. Eating these foods will arm your skin cells with the necessary tools to help preserve and keep your skin looking young.

Copyright 2005 Daniel Vang
About the author:
Daniel Vang is a publisher at eraseyears.com, scouring the latest news and reports concerning smooth skin. Find free anti-wrinkle creams and other helpful wrinkle-preventing tips at eraseyears.com

Ten Tips For Restful Sleep

Copyright 2005 Wayne McDonald

According to the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 70 million people in the United States are affected by a sleep problem. Americans suffering from chronic sleep disorders number about 40 million, and an additional 20-30 million are affected by intermittent sleep-related problems.

More importantly, studies have found a relationship between the quantity and quality of one's sleep and many health problems. For example, insufficient sleep may be linked to weight gain, hypertension, cardiovascular problems and the onset of diabetes.

Here is a list of tips for sleeping restfully. These tips are intended for "typical" adults with occasional sleep problems. This list is not for those with medical problems or necessarily for children.

1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule
Our bodies have a natural clock and a regular sleep schedule conditions our physiology with a sleep-wake cycle. A regular waking time in the morning strengthens this cycle and can help the onset of sleep at night. It is important to keep a regular bedtime and wake-time, even on the weekends when there is the temptation to sleep-in.

2. Bedtime DOs
Establishing a regular sleep routine will condition your mind and body to switch from activity to sleep. Your routine might include listening to soothing music, reading a book, a warm glass of milk or a warm soak in the tub (it should be done early enough that you are no longer sweating or over-heated). If you’re lactose-intolerant, try an herbal tea with no caffeine. Another easy trick just before retiring is to dim the lights to tell your body it is time to rest.

3. Bedtime DON’TS
Avoid eating a heavy meal before bedtime. You should finish eating at least 2-3 hours before your regular bedtime and avoid spicy foods that may cause heartburn. In addition, many people think alcohol is a sedative, but it actually disrupts sleep, causing nighttime awakenings. Other things to avoid include caffeine (e.g. coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate) and cigarettes (nicotine).

4. Your Bed is not a Desk
The only purpose of your bed is for sleeping and sex. DO NOT use it as a workspace for sorting out papers or working on projects. Create a healthy "body" relaxing environment and not a "brain" activity space. Remove work materials, computers and televisions out of your sleep environment.

5. Bedroom Harmony
Your bedroom should be pleasing, clutter-free and reflect the value you have for sleep. Your bed and pillows should be comfortable. Adjust the elements in your sleep environment such as light (dark is best), temperature and noise. If necessary, use blackout curtains, eye shades, ear plugs, air purifiers, humidifiers, fans and other devices.

6. Nurture Your Body
Visiting a holistic therapist each month will help release body tension, quiet the mind and correct any imbalances. The choices are unlimited, like acupuncture, massage, reflexology, chiropractic and more.

7. Exercise regularly
Avoid exercising late at night because it raises your body temperature and makes you more alert. If you exercise at night, complete your workout at least a three hours before bedtime. A great time to exercise is late afternoon.

8. Diet and Supplements
Feed your body healthy nutritional food with plenty of fresh green vegetables and fresh fruit. In addition, you can take a high quality supplement (liquid or tablet multi-vitamin) each day.

9. Resolve Mental and Emotional Issues
Unplug from your day and leave the office at the office. If you still have a list of things leftover it is best to write them down with a simple to-do list for the morning. Avoid having arguments unresolved. If you have an issue with something that was said, or are angry, then write your feelings in a journal and do a brain download. Do NOT re-read this journal. If you still have issues in the morning, then speak to that person or speak to a professional.

10. Don’t Watch the Clock
If you can NOT fall asleep, it is best NOT to lie in bed and try to "force" yourself to sleep. Avoid checking the clock repeatedly. According to experts, if you do not fall back asleep within 15-20 minutes, you should get out of bed and go to another room. Try something relaxing such as listening to music or reading.

In conclusion, getting a good night sleep every night is important to recharge your body and mind. The quality of sleep and quantity of sleep is crucial for health, safety and longevity. Pleasant dreams and good night.

About the author:
Wayne McDonald is a licensed Life Practitioner, a Public Speaker and a holistic health practitioner. For more articles and health tips visit http://www.123relax.com/healthtips

Reduce Cholesterol With Celery

Reduce Cholesterol With Celery
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Copyright: 2005 Marilyn Pokorney

Please leave the resource box intact with an active link,
and send a courtesy copy of the publication in which the
article appears to: marilynp@nctc.net

Eating raw celery is an excellent and healthy way to reduce
high cholesterol blood levels. According to tests by
researchers at the University of Chicago, celery reduces
cholesterol levels by as much as 7 points with as little as
2 stalks a day.

Not all the cholesterol that causes problems comes from
food. The liver manufactures up to 75 percent of the
cholesterol in the body. It is in the liver that
cholesterol is manufactured and broken down by special
enzymes to be removed from the body. Celery aids this
process by increasing bile acid secretion. Laboratory
studies also indicate that butyl phthalide, a chemical in
celery, may help reduce high cholesterol.

Medical experts say that celery is good for people with
circulation problems because celery fights fat. Serious
circulatory problems can be caused by too much cholesterol
in the blood. Heart attacks and strokes are the two most
common complications caused by hardening and blockage of the
arteries. Celery contains chemicals that stimulate the
elimination of fat throughout the body says a physician at
the University of Italy in Milan.

Celery is high in calcium. High calcium intake invigorates
the endocrine system which releases hormones that break down
fatty buildup in cells. The adrenal and thyroid glands
secrete the hormone adrenaline and thyroxine respectively,
which help to burn accumulated fats in the body cells. The
pituitary gland secretes at least nine known hormones which
influence body weight gain and loss.

By aiding the body's processes in dissolving already
accumulated cholesterol on the interior walls of the
arteries, known as plaque, and helping the liver to
metabolize and prevent additional formation of cholesterol,
celery is an excellent food for cholesterol control.

For more information about celery and cholesterol and other
health benefits visit:

About the author:

Author: Marilyn Pokorney
Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the
Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading.
Website: http://www.apluswriting.net

The Truth About High Protein Diets

All you hear about today is how good protein is for you. It is advertised as the best way to build muscle and more than that it helps one lose weight. Hey, if a little protein is good for you then a lot is even better, right? WRONG! That statement couldn�t be further from the truth.

Diet gurus pushing high protein low carb diets are promising quick weight loss. This type of diet has become the most popular diet of today. Anyone promising quick weight loss along with greater muscle gains is sure to attract a lot of people but are they exposing the whole picture? Most of the high protein diets have people restrict their calories at the beginning of the diet and that is why there is weight loss. It doesn't come from eating more protein. So what is the problem if you reduce your weight by cutting calories and eat a lot of protein?

Well, there are many health concerns when eating too much protein. The American Medical Association calls high protein diets, "Potentially hazardous, and full of theories that are at best half truths." There are reported adverse side effects such as calcium loss, undesirable lipoprotein levels and decreased immune function. Due to carbohydrate restrictions, this causes elevated levels of acetoacetate, which is linked to increased risk factors for cardiovascular disease. When there is a restriction of calories in the amount that most of
these high protein diets recommend this can cause a low immune system response. When you restrict your calories this causes inadequate levels of vitamins and minerals.

The typical American diet today provides more then enough protein. The minimum amount of protein needed to fulfill protein needs is equal to 0.8 grams of protein per kg body weight per day. If you weigh 150 lbs., you divide your weight by 2.2 then times it by .8 and the amount of protein needed is 54.5 grams a day. If you do a lot of aerobic exercising you should up it to 1-1.2 grams per kg of body weight. To build muscle you only need very small amounts of protein so the recommended RDA is enough to help build muscle.

You can get protein from animals, plants or vegetables. You will benefit more from getting your protein from meat that includes poultry and fish and to avoid red meats and dairy products. Individual plant proteins and grains don't contain all the essential amino acids, as does animal protein. However if you eat a variety of plant foods, cereals, nuts, seeds, grains and legumes in combination, then you will get the essential amino acids needed by the body in a much healthier way then getting your protein from animal sources. Animal sources may contain the essential amino acids but also are very high in fat.

In closing, protein is needed by the body but in small amounts and Americans are getting more then enough in their diets so you shouldn't eat a diet high in protein or take protein supplements.
About the author:

This article is based on the book, �The Right Brain Diet�
by Joel Kaye, MA. Joel holds a Masters Degree in
Physical Health Education and is currently teaching
classes at New York University�s Coles Sports Center
On Weight Management, Nutrition And Exercise And
Cancer Wellness. Learn more by visiting his website:

Lowering Your Cholesterol Through Diet

Lowering your cholesterol is important for everyone, young and old alike. About half of all men and a third of women develop heart disease during their lifetime. Lower your risk of a heart attack by reducing your cholesterol levels.

There are several ways to help lower your cholesterol:

1. Exercise more. Try to get at least 30 minutes, 3 or 4 days a week (check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program) of exercises like walking, swimming, tennis or biking.

2. Lose weight if you are over your desired weight.

3. Follow a low cholesterol, low saturated fat diet.

According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, if you want to maintain a healthy cholesterol level, you should limit your diet to the following:

Total fat calories should be less than 30%
Total saturated fat should be less than 10%
Total cholesterol from diet should be less than 300 milligrams

If your cholesterol is already too high and you want to reduce it, you should limit your diet to the following:

Total fat calories should be less than 25-35%
Total saturated fat should be less than 7%
Total cholesterol from diet should be less than 200 milligrams

Cholesterol lowering foods

Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids should be on everyone's diet. These are mostly fish, including sardines, salmon, albacore tuna, lake trout, mackerel and herring.

Canola, almonds, tofu, other forms of soybeans and flaxseed, and their oils contain alpha-linolenic acid (LNA), which can become omega-3 fatty acid in the body.

Walnuts, almonds, pecans and other nuts have large amounts of polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats which help to lower cholesterol.

Soluble fiber should be part of your daily diet as well, since it can help to lower your LDL levels. You need to a lot of the soluble fiber to get the benefit, but it is contained in quite a few foods.

Some examples of foods rich in soluble fiber are apples, oranges, pears, prunes, apricots, oats, berries, carrots, dried peas, beans (like lima, black and kidney), cabbage, dates, figs, Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes.

Soy has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and can be eaten in many forms, including soy nuts, tofu, soy beans and soy milk. It is believed that isoflavones are the chemicals that produce this reduction.

Avoid Cholesterol Raising Food

The only foods that contain cholesterol directly and can raise your blood cholesterol numbers are those derived from animals including meats, poultry, fish, egg yolks, cheese, butter and other dairy items made from whole milk.

However, eating saturated fats and trans-fats causes your body to create more cholesterol, thus also raising your levels. Most of the meats and dairy products listed above are also high in saturated fats. In addition, saturated fats can be found in tropical oils like coconut oil, palm oil and cocoa butter. Stick margarines and anything made with partially hydrogenated oils contain trans-fats and should be avoided when you are trying to lower your cholesterol.

Make sure to check with your physician before starting any new diet or exercise regimen.

Copyright 2005, K. MacKenzie http://www.lower-your-cholesterol.net
About the author:
Ken is a successful writer and online entrepreneur. He has developed
http://www.lower-your-cholesterol.net as a portal for presenting articles, information, resources and links about lowering your cholesterol.

Top 5 Weight Loss Strategies From A Top Level Personal Trainer

Everybody wants to lose weight. Even if it’s only that last five pounds. Joey Atlas gives you five proven weight loss tactics that go beyond the "eat low fat and walk for one hour each day" mantra of the mainstream.

You are ready to shed those energy draining, body crippling, unattractive extra pounds and you are ready to make it permanent this time. You are on the right track because you've taken the most important step toward your goal. That step is the decision to take action and stay committed. The following five proven strategies will serve as essential
elements in your quest to achieve your weight loss goal.

1) You must put yourself into the right mindset. Don't think of your new efforts at weight loss as trying to do certain things every day. See your self living a new lifestyle, a new lifestyle that naturally includes behavior conducive to positive changes in your health and fitness levels. You transition into this new lifestyle by making adjustments to your daily habits until these habits are in alignment with the goals you are aiming for.

2) Find an exercise partner. It can be a friend, a co-worker, or a family member. Why is this important? An exercise partner is a tremendous source of support. A partner is crucial on those days when you really don't feel up to exercising. Unless you are sick, a good partner won't let you slack and likewise your partner will need you to pull them up when they are not up for the workout. You being needed is an indirect but important type of support. With an exercise partner comes the element of accountability, which subconsciously reinforces your commitment to your quest.

3) Have a baby or get a puppy. These two strategies work in the same manner. I write about this one from first/second hand experience. My wife, Jeri-Jo, gave birth to our daughter, Darah, nine months ago. Today, she weighs less than she weighed before she got pregnant. What is the mechanism here? Jeri-Jo claims, "With Darah to care for, my mind is focused on her and her needs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not at risk for malnutrition, but I don't eat out of boredom any more simply because there is always something to do. The day flies by and I don't have time to snack on foods that cause weight gain."

The puppy strategy is very similar to the baby strategy. If you are not playing with it, training it, feeding it, walking it or cleaning up after it you are too tired to overeat. And, before you know it your new puppy is done napping and ready for more activities. Like caring for a baby, your puppy requires a lot of attention and mental energy. This prevents many people from unnecessary snacking that prevents weight loss.

4) If you are not ready for a baby or a puppy then take a up a new hobby. A new hobby will get you out of the house, stimulate your mind and prevent you from eating out of boredom. If your hobby is a fitness related activity, such as mountain biking or hiking, then you are really going to make some progress.

5) Drink more water. I know, you've heard this one before. But, can you truthfully say you are doing it? Not many people can. Ponder this. You consist of about 73% water. Your body gives off water all day and all night. You must continuously replenish your water levels in order for your body to function at its highest levels. Many fitness professionals talk about the metabolism slowing down as a result of too little food intake. However, just as important, yet rarely mentioned is water intake and its effect on metabolism. Not getting enough water can cause water retention and a slowing of the metabolism. Both of these can prevent weight loss and cause weight gain.

One little known strategy for boosting water intake is to drink 8 - 12 ounces as soon as you wake up. This helps wake up your metabolism. Another way to boost your water intake is to drink 10 - 12 ounces when you start to feel hungry. Instead of immediately reaching for food, drink the water and see if that calms your hunger until you are ready for your next meal.

Each one of these strategies can help you lose weight. But, by utilizing all of them, you are creating a formula for success. A formula that can be the foundation of your newlifestyle.

About the author:

Copyright 2005 Joe E. Atlas, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Joey Atlas, MS - Exercise Physiology, is considered one of the top personal trainers in the US. He is the author of the best selling audio CD "Controversial Secrets of a Personal Trainer", www.ControversialSecrets.com Joey is a co-owner of GAC Personal Training, www.GACtraining.com where he continues to guide people toward a better quality of life through proper exercise programming and nutritional guidance.

The Top 10 Ways to Increase your Natural Energy

1. Get 8 hours sleep a night. This is one of the main requirements of the body and will enable you to be at your best. Wear your favourite pyjamas and have the window slightly ajar so you are breathing fresh air.

2. Eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day. Try to have one item of each of the following colours: green, purple, yellow, red, orange so that you get a variety of vitamins, minerals and bioflavanoids.

3. Laugh 30 times a day. Laughing boosts the immune system and your energy!

4. Spend 15 minutes a day doing nothing or meditating. This does wonders for your creativity and recharges your batteries, giving you inner peace for the rest of the day.

5. Walk outside in the fresh air for 15 minutes a day. This clears your mind and burns some calories at the same time! Bonus point - if it is sunny, this will top up your vitamin D!

6. Exercise aerobically for at least 20 minutes 3 times a week. Make sure you include a warm-up and a cool-down and stretches. The best way to ensure you are working at the right pace is to wear a heart rate monitor.

7. Do 1 hour of strength training a week. This can be an hour strengthening class or two or three weight-training sessions.

8. Spend time with loved ones and animals. Feeling loved and happy is a great immune system booster!

9. Smile! There is research that has shown that smiling at yourself in the mirror for 20 minutes at a time can improve depression - even if it is forced!

10. Drink 1.5 - 2 litres of water a day. Bonus point - add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon for extra vitality and energy!

Copyright 2005 Susie Kong
About the author:

Susie Kong is an Energy Coach and helps busy people increase their energy levels through nutrition, fitness and rest. She is a graduate of Coach University and is also studying with the Schools of Coachville. She is the Assistant Community Coach for the Coachville Fully Alive Community: http://fullyalive.coachville.com/ Willyou help Susie to reach her goal of coaching 100 people by December 2005? All you need to do is call Susie at a prearranged time and let Susie coach you (for free) for 30 minutes and then fill out a quick feedback form online after the session. You can contact Susie on email: health@susiekong.com or at her website: http://www.susiekong.com


Wisdom Words

  1. "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."

Mark Twain

  1. " To make a great dream come true, You must first have a great dream. "
  2. " Things may still be a thing, but heart can leap to the highest... "


  1. " Crescat scientia; vita excolatur (Let knowledge grow from more to more; And so be human life enriched) "

University of Chicago Motto

  1. " Have Dreams, Give Hope, Share Love "
  2. " “The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created – created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them, changes both the maker and the destination.” "

John Schaar, Futurist

  1. "Whenever anything is being done, I have learned, it is being done by a monomaniac with a mission."

Peter Drucker

  1. " Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. "

Madame Curie

  1. " When you walk to the edge of all the light you have, and take that first step to the darkness of the unknown; one of these things will happen: You will find something solid to stand upon, or you will be taught how to fly "

Patrick Overton

  1. " Daging kita satu,... Arwah kita satu,... Walau masing masing kita jauh,... Yang tertusuk padamu berdarah padaku. "

Sutardhi CalzSutardji Calzoum Bachri

  1. " “I WANT TO BE THOROUGHLY USED UP WHEN I DIE. … Life is no ‘brief candle’ to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” "

George Bernard Shaw

  1. "God, grants me SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, COURAGE to change the things I can, and WISDOM to know the difference "

St. Franciscus

  1. "All of our prosperity lies in the present, no matter what it contains!"


  1. "We all see the same sky, but think about different horizon. Life is nothing but seeing things in our own way, and believing our own dreams."


  1. "Genius is seeing what the other people see, but thinking what the other people never think about"

Inventor of Vitamin C

  1. "Our dream is the only roadmap of our future, and intuition our only compass."


  1. "You cannot teach a person something he does not already know; you can only bring what he does know to his awareness..."


  1. " “If there is nothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you apply yourself, you won’t get noticed and that increasingly means you won’t get paid much, either.” "

Michael Goldhaber

  1. " May The Worst Day of Your Future still be Better than The Best Day of Your Past "


  1. " The past is a history, nothing can ever change it; The future is a hope, everything can happen in it; But the recent time is a gift, and that's why we call it the PRESENT "
  2. " The right place to be happy in HERE The best time to be happy is NOW And the way to be happy is MAKING THE OTHERS FEEL SO " :)
  3. " “Death is only one of many ways to lose your life.” (hint: Many have lost their lives even when they are still breathing! Zombie, Zombie, Zombie! Be ALIVE and LIVE) "

Alvah Simon

  1. " Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. "

Lord Tennyson

  1. " The thought we think and the words we speak create our experience "

Louise L. Hay

  1. " Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. "

Madame Curie

  1. " It is no use saying “We are doing our best” You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary. "

Winston Churchill

  1. " Dance as though no one is watching you; Sing as though no one can hear you; Love as though you have never been hurt; Live as though Heaven is on Earth "


  2. " Always be able to look back and say “ At Least I did not Lead No Humdrum Life” "

Forrest Gump

  1. " “If there is nothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you apply yourself, you won’t get noticed and that increasingly means you won’t get paid much, either.” "

Michael Goldhaber

  1. " All of our prosperity lies in the present, no matter what it contains! "



Nutritious Information of cereals

Item Type Nutrients Preventions & Functions

(Vitamins & Minerals)

Adlay seeds Plain Vitamin B Balance body fluid
Biji jali
Fiber Prevent cancer


Whole adlay seeds Plain Vitamin B Detoxicity & improve metabolism
Biji jali utuh
Fiber Improve the immune function


Lily bulbs Plain Protein Protect lung
Umbi bunga lili
Carbohydrates Heat relief

Alkaloids Anti - cough

Help sleep

Sesame Plain Vitamin E Energizer
Potassium Calcium supplement

Calcium Anti - aging



Walnut Plain Vitamin E Skin Care

Unsaturated fatty acids Prevent constipation

Lotus seed Plain Vitamin E Anti - aging
Biji teratai
Calcium Stabilize neuron system

Magnesium Skin care




Red bean Plain Vitamin B Balance body fluid & detoxic
Kacang merah
Carbohydrates Improve the immune function

Potassium Anti - aging




Black bean Plain Vitamin A, B Improves edema
Taosi / Kedelai hitam
Protein Anti - aging

Carbohydrates Prevent stroke





Cashew Nut Plain Vitamin E High calories
Kacang mede
Unsaturated fatty acids Anti - aging

Pine nut Plain Vitamin B, E High calories, but reduce cardiovascular diseases
Biji cemara

Brown rice Warm Vitamin B, E Allergy relief
Beras merah
Water soluble fiber Improve the metabolism

Soybean Warm Protein with high nutrients Reduce cardiovascular disease
Lecithin Improves osteoporosis

Water soluble fiber

Nutritious Information of fruits

Item Type Nutrients Preventions & Functions
(Vitamins & Minerals)
Grapefruit Cold Vitamin A, C Lower the level of cholesterol
Citrus Water soluble dietary fiber (prevent cardiovascular disease)
Kiwfruit Cold Vitamin A, C Lower the level of cholesterol
Kiwi Pectin Skin care
Water melon Cold Vitamin A, C Improve the immune function
Semangka Carotene Anti aging
Potassium Prevent colon rectal cancer
Apple Mild cold Water soluble dietary fiber Maintain blood sugar at the normal level
Apel Organic Acid Disease prevention
Honeydew Mild cold Carbohydrates Lower the level of cholesterol
Melon Vitamin A, C Stabilize blood presure
Pitaya Mild cold Pectin Improve digestion
Buah naga Magnesium Maintain the level of blood sugar
Phosphorus (good for patients with diabetes)
Mulbery Mild cold Fructose Help organs
Murbei Glucose Relieve the pain of arthritis
Citric acid
Loquat Mild cold Vitamin A, C Improve the excretion
Buah lokat Calcium Stop the coughing
Pectin fiber
Star fruit Mild cold Variety of poctin fiber Refresh & cool down the heat in the body
Belimbing Vitamin A, B, C Improve the excretion with low calories
Strawberry Mild cold Variety of alpha hydroxy acid The function of anti - oxidan may whiten the skin
Arbei Vitamin C & provide a good skin care
Pectin fiber
European Pear Mild cold Vitamin C Cool down the heat in the body
Pir Potassium Improve digestion
Korean Pear Mild cold Vitamin C Cool down the heat in the body
Potassium Improve digestion
Magnesium Stable emotion
Lemon Plain Calcium Plenty of calcium improves
Potassium The post menopause syndromes
Essence oil
Orange Plain Vitamin C The fiber improves excretion
Carbohydrates Prevent from disease
Guava Plain Vitamin A, C Lower of sugar & calories
Jambu biji Potassium
Pineapple Plain Vitamin A, C Pectin improves the excretion
Nanas Calcium Stop the coughing
Papaya Plain Vitamin A, B, C Papain may digest protein in intestines
Pepaya Calcium Papain may stimulate the mammary gland
Plum Plain Vitamin A, C Stabilize blood pressure
Malic acid Excrete acids from the body
Citric acid
Chinese plum Plain Vitamin A Improve digestion & metabolism
Citric acid
Succinic acid
Avocado Plain Vitamin A Maintain the body & organs
Alpukat Proteins Over consumption may lead to fat
Kumquat Warm Vitamin A, C Stimulate bowel movement
Kimkit Essence oil Improve the function of lungs
Mango Warm Vitamin A Improve organs and tissues
Mangga Pectin Prohibit to patients with allergy or diabetes
Lychee Warm Sucrose Protect the body
Leci Glucose Skin care
Calcium Prohibit to patients with diabetes
Longan Warm Vitamin C Improve the function of heart & blood flow
Lengkeng Sucrose The best choice after baby delivery
Fructose Prohibit to patients with diabetes
Cherry Warm Dietary fibers Cool down the heat in the body
Potassium Improve digestion
Calcium Stable the emotion
Peach Warm Vitamin A, C Smooth the blood flows
Potassium Improve the digestion
Calcium Good for people with obesity & cardiovascular
Durian Warm Vitamin E Rich in various nutriens
Proteins High calories
Starch Prohibit to patients with obesity
Prohibit to patients with heart disease
Prohibit to patients with hiperlipidemia